Welcome to Best Rest Baby!
Best Rest Baby believes that every child and family deserves restful and restorative sleep. We’re here to help restore exhausted households with compassion and encouragement.
We take the time to understand not just the child but the entire family, creating an individually tailored sleep plan that is ‘just right’ for you! Best Rest Baby knows the importance and benefits of sleep. We work very hard to help you “because your baby is only at their best after a good night of rest!”
~ Jillian, Founder of Best Rest Baby

After a particularly ugly upper respiratory infection at around 16 months, our son Alex became a truly horrible nighttime sleeper. He would wake up at least once a night and be up for hours, completely unable to put himself back to sleep! After 5 months of broken sleep, we were all exhausted and, at my wits end, I reached out to Jillian. I knew from minute one of our first phone conversation that we were in good hands!! Jillian really took the time to listen and by the end of our call, I finally… Read more
Alicia and EdManhattan, New York

Shai was, much to our wonder and delight, a fantastic sleeper the first 6 months of his life, so we thought we were in the clear and just magically got lucky. But as he got older and more aware, he began getting up more during the night, and by the time he was 1 year old, we just started bringing him into bed with us once he cried out in the middle of the night. In theory (and sometimes in practice), it seemed like a win-win, as we loved snuggling with him, and he loved it as well, usually falli… Read more
Melissa and AaronBrooklyn, New York

As first time parents we were sure we would never sleep train our baby. It just… wasn’t for us. But Adele continued to wake up every two hours at 10 months old, at which point we knew we had to change something to get both her and us better sleep. So, we contacted Jillian because we knew we didn’t have the nerves or the information to achieve this change alone. She was super attentive and empathetic throughout the learning process. Thanks to her support and advice Adele did learn how to pu… Read more
Asli and PeterBrooklyn, New York

Our six-month-old daughter Layla would wake 10 – 12 times every night when her pacifier would fall out of her mouth. We tried researching online but could not improve the situation. We then contacted Jillian who offered us several options for improving our daughter’s sleep. We choose the more aggressive plan and then Jillian guided us through the execution. While we had to make some difficult changes, Jillian was constantly in touch to support and guide us. Now two weeks later, Layla will sl… Read more
Nicole and RichardHaskell, New Jersey

Being too close to the situation, not to mention tired, it was difficult for us to evaluate if what we were doing was helping or hindering our baby’s sleep. We were sort of’ following advice from books, but were confused, feeling that some of what we had read contradicted itself, or that perhaps we were misinterpreting it. We had also decided that we wanted to let our baby ‘cry it out’ and we needed an outside voice to support us. The steps Jillian had us go through showed us where we … Read more
Patricia and KevinBrooklyn, NY

We had been doing our own version of ‘sleep training’ with our son Theo from the age of two and a half months to 9 months. This involved swaddling him for naps and feeding him for about 40 minutes to sleep and then carefully walking over to his crib to lay him down. desperately trying to not wake him as we would then start the whole routine again! Theo would sometimes sleep through the night…but as the months went by, he would wake more and more frequently, causing so much stress within ou… Read more
Charlotte and JohnBrooklyn, NY

Thanks for helping us create a peaceful room and relaxing routine for our wonderful, sleepy little girl. With your support, the rest was cake!
Jenn and AlanBrooklyn, New York

Jillian is a warm and nurturing caregiver who genuinely enjoys working with families and children. She knows how to listen with empathy to parents who are struggling with sleep issues. She has a very calming effect on our baby and I dub her “The Baby Whisperer of Brooklyn”.
Esther and EricBrooklyn, New York
Little Miss M.
When we first reached out to Jillian we were beyond sleep deprived. Everyone told us that parenthood would be exhausting and that we should get used to sleepless nights. But we never imagined we’d have a baby that would wake up every single hour during the night, and barely nap during the day. Our daughter spent huge portions of the night crying and we just did not know what to do! We tried feeding her, changing her diaper, rocking her to sleep – we tried everything and felt defeated. Th… Read more
Little Miss M.Brooklyn, NY

Michael is our third baby, and was actually a remarkably good sleeper until about 3 months. At that point he refused to nap for more than 20 minutes during the day, and he often woke once or twice during the night. I know many parents would be thrilled to have a baby who slept 6-8 hours in a row at night, but I was concerned about his lack of daytime sleep and I knew we could help him sleep longer if we established the right routine. Enter Jillian! Jillian listened closely as I explained o… Read more
AshleighBronxville, New York