Welcome to Best Rest Baby!

Best Rest Baby believes that every child and family deserves restful and restorative sleep. We’re here to help restore exhausted households with compassion and encouragement.

We take the time to understand not just the child but the entire family, creating an individually tailored sleep plan that is ‘just right’ for you! Best Rest Baby knows the importance and benefits of sleep. We work very hard to help you “because your baby is only at their best after a good night of rest!”

~ Jillian, Founder of Best Rest Baby

Little Miss M.
When we first reached out to Jillian we were beyond sleep deprived. Everyone told us that parenthood would be exhausting and that we should get used to sleepless nights. But we never imagined we’d have a baby that would wake up every single hour during the night, and barely nap during the day. Our daughter spent huge portions of the night crying and we just did not know what to do! We tried feeding her, changing her diaper, rocking her to sleep – we tried everything and felt defeated. Th…
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Little Miss M.Brooklyn, NY