Invest in Sleep

Best Rest Baby offers multiple packages so that you can choose which package is right for you!  Best Rest Baby will not just address the current issues but will also empower the family and caretakers with proper education and information regarding their child’s sleep.  In turn, this helps to foster healthy sleep habits for your baby and your family!

How we work with you…

Once you contact Best Rest Baby and we arrange a consultation, we send you a Paypal invoice. Once payment is made, we send you our intake form in order to gather important information prior to the consultation.

Best Rest Baby consults include an individualized sleep plan, a sleep log, in-depth details on your child’s sleep needs, and a customized daily schedule.  Depending on which package you choose, my personal support is available to you for up to two weeks by phone or email.

  • New and Expecting Parent Package

    (Prices listed are for residents of Brooklyn; an additional cost will be incurred for travel outside of Brooklyn)

    This is an in-home class that is personal and informative.  During this hour long session, you will be taught the fundamentals of raising a good sleeper from birth.  In addition to this, I will evaluate the nursery and sleeping area so that it is most conducive to sleeping. In this one on one session, you will learn:

    • The basics and patterns of child sleep from birth to four months
    • Soothing techniques for fussy babies
    • How to help your child learn to put themselves to sleep
    • How to recognize sleepy signs
    • How to avoid excessive crying
    • How to avoid letting your child become overtired

    Investment: $495.00

  • Phone Consultation

    This is the perfect package for someone who really just needs to have a conversation with a knowledgeable and kind professional.  After we have received and reviewed the intake form, we will arrange a time to talk. This phone consultation will last about 60 min. During this time, we will talk about your typical day as well as the reason(s) your little one is having difficulty sleeping. You will also have the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have regarding your child’s sleep. We will discuss the different options you have for your customized sleep plan and we will choose the one that is right for you and your family.  After the conclusion of the phone call you can expect your child’s customized sleep plan within f48 hours or 2 business days.

    In addition to the consult call, you will also receive 4 x 15 min follow up phone calls as well as unlimited email support for the first week. This follow up support is critical because many families need and appreciate the compassionate help they receive during this time because this support becomes an integral part of their child’s success!

    Investment: $695.00

  • Skype Consultation

    A skype consultation is perfect for families who live out of state or across the country.  This consultation is similar to the phone consult option but is slightly more personal!  During this 60 minute consult, we will talk about your typical day as well as the reason(s) your little one is having difficulty sleeping. In addition, you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have regarding your child’s sleep. We will discuss the different options you have  and we will choose the one plan that is right for you and your family. After the conclusion of the phone call you can expect your child’s customized sleep plan within forty eight hours or two business days.

    In addition to the Skype consult, you will also receive 4 x 15 min follow up phone calls as well as unlimited email support for the first week. This follow up support is critical. Many families appreciate the compassionate help they receive during this time because this support becomes an integral part of their child’s success!

    Investment: $725.00

  • In-Home Consultation

    If you and your family want the most customized and comprehensive consultation, this package is perfect for you! Once you have chosen the in-home consult, we will schedule a time for my visit. Once at your home, I will observe and evaluate your child’s sleeping environment for necessary improvements. During this time, we will talk about your typical day as well as the reason(s) your little one is having difficulty sleeping. In addition, you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have regarding your child’s sleep. We will discuss the different options you have for your customized sleep plan and we will choose the one that is right for you and your family. You can expect your child’s customized sleep plan within forty eight hours or 2 business days.

    In addition to the in-home consultation you will also receive 4 x 15 min follow up phone calls as well as unlimited email support for the first week. This follow up support is critical. Many families appreciate the compassionate help they receive during this time because this support becomes an integral part of their child’s success!

    Investment: $795.00

  • Best Rest Baby – Sleep Party Package

    Do you belong to a small parenting group? If you live in the Brooklyn area and are interested in hosting a small private group session to learn more about children’s sleep, please contact me for details. This is a fun and affordable way to learn about age appropriate sleep for your children in a relaxed environment!

    Investment: contact Best Rest Baby for details

  • Email Follow-up (returning clients only)

    The email consultation is for returning clients who may need a bit more help. The package must be used within one week of purchase.

    $75.00 – one day of unlimited email contact
    $200.00 – three days of unlimited email contact

  • Package Quick Compare
    Package Description* Investment
    New & Expecting Parent
    • In-home class
    • One-on-one knowledge building
    Phone Consultation
    • Phone consultation w/ four follow-up calls
    • Customized sleep plan
    • One week of unlimited email support
    Skype Consultation
    • Skype (video) consultation w/ four follow-up calls
    • Customized sleep plan
    • One week of unlimited email support
    In-Home Consultation
    • In-home consultation w/ nursery assessment
    • Four follow-up calls
    • Customized sleep plan; one week of unlimited email support
    Sleep Party Package
    • Small, private group session
    Contact us
    *Please read the detailed descriptions above for important details.

Need a Custom Package?

Best Rest Baby understands that all children and families are different. Contact us and we can discuss formulating a package that is just right for you.