
Jillian has been our life-changing superhero, not once, but twice (so far!). We first reached out to her when our daughter, Lea, was just about to turn two. At that point none of us had slept through the night in two years! Lea required being held to sleep before our delicate nightly dance of trying to place her in her crib without waking her. Bedtime had turned into an hour-plus process and then she was waking several times during the night…every night. With two years of terrible sleep habits as our norm, I was hopeful but admittedly skeptical that anyone could help. We were very much against leaving our baby in her room to cry endlessly and I expressed that to Jillian in our consultation. The sleep plan she came up with was comprehensive, thorough, thoughtful and most of all do-able. In literally 2 nights our daughter caught on to the new routine. It involved minimal crying, and Jillian walked us through it and offered encouragement and support each step of the way. We never felt too overwhelmed. After implementing her plan we had a new life – simple bedtimes and sleeping through the night.

When we hit a sudden sleep road bump around when Lea turned 3 (toddlers 🙂) we reached out to Jillian again for help. Once again her plan (and her supportive cheerleading) worked. We’re back to easy bedtimes and sleeping through the night!

Sarah and AgatonBrooklyn, New York