Little Miss M.

When we first reached out to Jillian we were beyond sleep deprived. Everyone told us that parenthood would be exhausting and that we should get used to sleepless nights. But we never imagined we’d have a baby that would wake up every single hour during the night, and barely nap during the day. Our daughter spent huge portions of the night crying and we just did not know what to do! We tried feeding her, changing her diaper, rocking her to sleep – we tried everything and felt defeated. Then we met Jillian and our lives were forever changed. Jillian helped us understand that we needed to teach our daughter HOW to sleep. She helped us get over our anxiety about moving our daughter into her own room – she was 6 months old and it turned out she was totally ready to sleep in her crib! Jillian crafted a sleep plan for our family and helped us through the ups and downs of the initial transition – and her ongoing support kept us from backsliding into bad habits that had created our sleepless situation in the first place. Now, we have a 10 month old daughter who sleeps 11 hours a night (from 7pm to 6am) and takes two beautiful, peaceful naps in her crib during the day. The best part is that now, when she does cry, we know that something really is bothering her because otherwise she sleeps like a champ. Thank you, Jillian, for giving us all the gift of sleep! We are forever grateful.

Little Miss M.Brooklyn, NY